
Hello! My name is Eddie! I'm a nonbinary (they/them) biracial Japanese-American who is 20+ years old and loves Vocaloid! I draw Fukase the most for some reason.
I seriously do not venture much further than Vocaloid other than RPG Maker. I'm really into RPG Maker horror and my favorite RPG Maker game is End Roll! I love most of Segawa's works! But aside from these two interests I seldom talk about anything else for more than 2 days max. (I go through phases with Nier sometimes though)I'm not only a bit shy but I just have communication issues in general (I've been told I sound robotic for example) just a note if that might make me seem unfriendly. However if you ask me about RPG Maker or Vocaloid I will probably write you paragraphsこんにちは!エディです!20↑歳のハーフです。ボカロとホラーRPGゲーム以外をあまり話しません。なぜかいつもVocaloidFukaseの絵ばかり描いています。好きなゲームはエンドロール。
Before Following
Since making a side account I don't really talk too much over here anymore (+my garbage brain's invisible rules got stricter for what it allows me to post here), although this isn't purely my art account either. Dunno what it is really... I do have a side account where I talk more but I don't want too many people following it.I'm also really selective with my followbacks even if you're a Fukase fan so I'm not a follow for a follow kinda person. Sorry! I'm just vibing in a little corner making the kind of Fukase content I'd like to see. What makes me follow back really depends on my mood so even I can't say...I also try to interact with mutuals when I'm able but my brain has a lot of invisible rules that make it hard to even press like on things sometimes but I am trying, honest (I don't have any mutuals muted I promise)This account is SFW and I don't interact with NSFW content, but I am an adult! I don't mind minors following me, but I might keep interactions at a minimum and be more hesitant to follow back.If I'm not really interested in interacting anymore as mutuals, I might softblock. I softblock instead of silently unfollowing because I think it's rude to unfollow without doing so. If you refollow because you still like my content or whatever, I won't be offended (If I really minded, you would've already been hardblocked.)
Who is "Spirit"?????

"Spirit" is my nickname for my Fukase! I call it Spirit because I have some other Fukase variations but. They're all still Fukase! Spirit basically looks like a regular Fukase except you'll never see it with a hat (it can turn into a hat, actually, long story)If it has a gold pendant and/or a brown turtleneck + long shirt combo that's probably Spirit! I also talk about it often since I've used it in RPG Maker games, made ask blogs, made several fanfictions of its world, etc.
If you're wondering why it's nicknamed "Spirit" specifically, its main job is to help spirits. Thus, that's its differentiating characteristic! I really love this kid a lot!!!!What is Spirit AU/Spirit Unraveler AU?Basically it's an AU where most Vocaloids are "Spirit Unravelers" who help spirits move on! They're given a fancier name than just Spirit Helper because they usually have special abilities specifically for helping spirits and also they go to spirit worlds to help corrupted spirits, etc etc. If you have a hard time imagining what that's like, imagine a world like Ib or Witch's House and imagine the kind of abilities someone would need to more safely and easily go through those kinds of places. Better yet!! You can go to my Itchio page at Edlinklover and play my Vocaloid games to learn about it firsthand!
Terms of Use for my Fukase Designs
Please never claim my designs as your own! You don't always have to credit me but if someone asks you who made the designs, at least be able to properly answer instead of just "idk".
If you alter these designs or heavily base your own design off of these, these rules all still apply[About Cosplays]
Please feel free to cosplay! You can cosplay any design I've made, including the Spirit Fukase design. You don't always have to credit me, especially if you're taking multiple photos, but mentioning me here and there would be really nice. Most of all though, please link me!!! I really want to see your cosplays!![Things you can do *without credit:]+Draw them
+Make headcanons
+Treat them like Cryptonloid modules or fanloids basically[Things you can do *with credit (Credit as Edlinklover):]+Make MMD models
+Use their designs for PVs
It'd be greatly appreciated if you could put the credit in an obvious place!Please do not use them for anything gross or offensive. If you want to check in with me by what I mean by this I'll be happy to answer.

Please refrain from using Spirit's outfit for personal Fukases! This outfit is very specific to my Spirit Fukase who I'm very attached to. If you make NSFW with this design I will be extremely hurt, I won't tolerate it and I WILL come after you. (Someone has drawn NSFW with this design before so I have reason to be cautious). Everything else I've created is free game.[Regarding Commercialization:]If it's your own art and you want to custom-make merch for yourself using one of my designs, that's fine. If you want to actually sell it to other people or something, please contact me (sounds extremely unlikely but after the Spirit design incident I consider Everything now). I don't expect this to happen considering Fukase's licensing but I added this section to be safe.
Feel free to link me to any works using the designs! It isn't required but I always love seeing what people make!
Some of My Designs

These aren't every single Fukase I've ever designed but this is most of them. Other designs that are okay to use are my Bakery Fukase, Yukata Fukase, Japanese style Fukases, Heart-broken Fukase, Hajimari Fukase--if you come across any more, just make sure it's actually a design I made! I usually make it clear if it isn't (If it's not my design, I usually write it in the description. If there's no disclaimer, it's an original outfit)Top row: Puzzle (With Skirt), Puzzle (No Skirt), Puzzle (Without skirt or coat), Bottle
Bottom Row: Winter, Cool Kid, Pokem*n Go, Sakura
Commissions (Currently Limited)

[If interested in commissions please either DM me on my Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram (those have the fastest responses and are all Edlinklover) or email me at [email protected]! If you just want a Ko-fi commission, it's in my links! (I'm Edlinklover on Ko-fi!)